The idea of purchasing a commercial property is that it is well suited to the needs of your business. This can and is defined by several factors and they will all be considered when you apply for your mortgage. The commercial lender will look at your business and what it does and how it will relate to the commercial property in question.
If your company makes widgets, the lender will want to know how long you have been making widgets. They will also want to know what your growth rate has been over the time you have been making widgets. They will look at the property to consider whether it will meet your needs for making widgets during the lifetime of the loan.
The lender will want to see that you will have room to grow and that you will grow to fill the space. They will also look at the location of the property to see how that is going to work with your widget manufacturing needs. Do you have good access to roads that can handle the volume of traffic that will be generated?
Will there be adequate parking available for staff and customers? Does the location provide room for expansion if your growth rate is more then expected or will you be moving in a couple of years? What tax incentives are available on that property and how long will they be available for that property? Are the tax incentives a one-time offer or are they able to be extended to make the property more appealing.
The things that will make a commercial property desirable will change depending on what your business is. If you want to open a pub, your needs will be very different from that of a factory. The lender will want to know that the property is in a good location to maximize the profitability of the pub. The property could be located across the street from the factory we talked about in the previous example.
The lender will again look at your past performance in regard to operating pubs to make sure that you know how to run a pub. They will want to know what the growth potential is and if the commercial property will meet those needs.
The commercial lender will not give you a commercial mortgage if the property is too big or not big enough to meet the expected needs of the business. If the property does not have enough parking for peak customer traffic, it will mean you could loose business.
The lender will want to know if there is enough space for the number of employees required and if the kitchen is large enough to meet thier needs. What is the maximum seating capacity of the building and how much will the average customer have to purchase to make the payments.
There are many similar small things to consider when deciding if the commercial property being looked at is a good deal for both you and the lender. The list of things that can make or break a property deal is very long and it does change from business to business.
For example for some businesses, it may come down to waste removal. If your business is involved in agriculture, it could come down to the smell. Is the location of your farm upwind or downwind from a population center?
If you are upwind from a population center, there could be some issues as locals oppose your being there. This could create a different kind of pressure on the lender that could make the property less desirable for the commercial loan. An independent broker could help out with this type of issue.
It does not make any difference what your business is, what will make all the difference is what your business needs are and will the commercial property meet those needs. The definition of a good commercial property is one that will meet all your current and long-term plans.
If it does, it will make it easier to get the commercial mortgage you are looking for. It will also help you to get better rates and conditions on your commercial financing.
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14 Kasım 2007 Çarşamba
What Makes A Property Good For A Commercial Mortgage?
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